Monday, February 15, 2010

Bylines Winner, A Quote from Mark Twain, and Another Planning Tool

Today in St. Peters, MO: Snow showers, high 25 degrees.

Thanks to everyone who left a question or comment for Sylvia Forbes, publisher of Snow Flake Press (how appropriate today with all the snow) and editor of Bylines Writers' Desk Calendar. The name picked at random to win a copy of the Bylines Writers' Desk Calendar is . . . Bookie. Congratulations, Bookie!

I will e-mail Sylvia to tell her you won, but you will need to e-mail Sylvia with your mailing address. You can find her e-mail address on her website.

For everyone who left a comment or question for Sylvia but didn't win a copy of Bylines, you can visit Sylvia's website to find out how to purchase a copy. In addition to using my lovely Bylines weekly desk calendar to keep organized, I also use a monthly planning calendar.

I found the monthly calendar on the Reading Writers site. It's a no-frills, 12-page calendar that can be downloaded for free. At the beginning of the year I downloaded my copy of the Reading Writers calendar and have been using it as a planning and tracking tool for deadlines and submissions. One feature I enjoy is the monthly quote from a famous writer. January's quote comes from Missouri's famous author and humorist, Mark Twain:

"God only exhibits his thunder and lightning in intervals, and so they always command attention. They're God's adjectives. You thunder and lightning too much, the reader ceases to get under the bed." Mark Twain

So, if you're like me and one of your goals is to get organized in 2010, the Bylines weekly desk calendar and the Reading Writers monthly calendar are writing tool that can help.


  1. Donna, thanks for the tip on the Reading Writers calendar. I'll check it out.

    Tricia S.

  2. Golly, how great is this! Thank you for opening up the chance. I will write Sylvia right away. I will take this as an omen to "go forth" and not to freeze up, mentally on my writing or physically in the cold. It is frigid here today in blowing wind!

  3. Congrats, Bookie!! And thanks Donna for having the interview and contest. I'll definitely check out those great calendars and organizers, too.

  4. Hi Bookie,
    Your advice to "go forth" is something to think about.
    Thanks for being such a faithful visitor at Donna's Book Pub.
    Ditto to what you said about Mark Twain.


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