Friday, January 2, 2009

Book Notes - For These Tough Times by Max Lucado

Today's forecast for St. Peters: Patchy drizzle, low 47 degrees. While running errands earlier today it was in the low fifties--not bad for early January.

Recently I read a book written by Max Lucado and published by Thomas Nelson. I found this book comforting, especially during the holiday season, when the loss of loved ones can be particularly painful.

Max Lucado is a best-selling writer and senior minister at the Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas. FOR THESE TOUGH TIMES is a short book--just under 90 pages--that attempts to answer the question from PSALM 11:3: "When all that is good falls apart, what can good people do?"

In his Introduction, Lucado challenges the reader to "ask the questions that trouble us all during difficult times: Who is God? Where is God in all of this? Can good come from evil? And prayer--is God really listening?"

Lucado's book is divided into eight chapters which contain quotes from Scripture and pose thought-provoking questions. The chapters are:

* Where is God?
* God's Greatest Love
* Eyes on the Father
* Good Triumphant
* The Bitter Taste of Revenge
* In the Silence, God Speaks
* In the Storm, We Pray
* From God's Perspective

The primary text concludes with: "Do It Again, Lord: A Prayer for Troubled Times."
I recommend this book to anyone who has experienced grief or suffered a loss of: a loved one, a job, one's income, a home, one's dreams, or one's way. The subtitle of the book sums up how I felt after reading it. I am: Reaching toward heaven for hope and healing.


  1. That sounds like something I might want to check out.
    Beth Fehlbaum, author
    Courage in Patience, a story of hope for those who have endured abuse
    Ch. 1 is online!

  2. Hi Beth,
    It's a very short book, but very comforting.


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