Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Book Notes - What's Age Got to Do With It?

(Book cover from the Thomas Nelson Publisher site)

Today's forecast for St. Peters: Windy, high 19 degrees. Baby, it's cold outside!

If you're a regular viewer of Dr. Phil or Oprah, you probably recognize the woman on the cover of this book. She is Robin McGraw, wife of television's Dr. Phil. Robin looks fabulous for her age (55), which she displays proudly on the cover of her latest book, "What's Age Got to Do With It?" The subtitle is: "Living Your Happiest and Healthiest Life."

This easy-to-read book, published by Thomas Nelson Publishing, is filled with advice in the areas of: health, fitness, nutrition, skin care, menopause, hair, makeup and fashion. Much of the book's advice comes from experts, but it is also includes Robin's personal experiences and suggestions.

I recommend this book to women who want to learn more about how to remain robust and happy--no matter what the age on their birth certificate reads.


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  3. Hey everyone,
    Two folks left comments on this page, which I have subsequently deleted. The first was encouraging people to enter a contest; the second was announcing the contest is a sham. Because I know nothing about either of the two commentors, I've deleted both posts.


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