Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Storm Country Anthology from Joplin Writers' Guild and MWG

As a follow-up to my recent posts about how Joplin residents and writers are helping heal after the May 22 F-5 tornado in Joplin, Missouri, I found information about the Storm Country Anthology on Claudia's Page. Claudia is the president of the Joplin Writers' Guild. Here's what I found on her blog:

"The Joplin Writers' Guild and the Missouri Writers' Guild are going to join forces to produce a small book of weather related stories and poems. The proceeds from the book sales will all go to the Joplin school system to buy books for the libraries they lost. Two grade schools, a high school, and a Catholic grade school were lost that I know of right now. Estimates are in the millions to replace these schools and the fall term is only three months away!"

Here's what they're looking for in submissions from Midwest writers for the Storm Country Anthology. (You can also find a link to the official guidelines on Claudia's blog or on Storm Country.)

Theme: Storms and severe weather in the Midwest, including tornadoes, floods, snow, ice, and wind.

Who can submit: Midwest writers**

What: Original work of Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry

* Maximum of three submissions per author/poet

* Fiction - Any genre up to 1,500 words

* Poetry - Up to 30 lines each

* Nonfiction - Features, essays, memoirs up to 1,500 words

When: Submission period is June 1-July 15, 2011

How: Submit typed Word document in 12-point Times New Roman font

* Include name, address, phone number, and e-mail address on first page of submission

* For prose, three-space paragraph indention and double-spaced manuscript

* For poetry, single-spaced manuscript

* Number pages

* Proofread carefully and check spelling and grammar

* Author retains all rights

* Include third-person author bio no longer than 75 words

Where: E-mail to joplinwritersguild@yahoo.com or

Mail to: Claudia Mundell, 1815 River Street, Carthage, Missouri 64836

Why: Proceeds from book sales will be used to buy books for school libraries damaged by the tornado.

**If you have any questions about the anthology, or for the official guidelines, including theme, format, or who is eligible to submit, please e-mail joplinwritersguild@yahoo.com

After the Storm Country Anthology is published (estimated pub date is at the end of the summer) I will post information here about how to purchase copies.


  1. Great information, Donna. I'll share on Mozark Press blog. Linda Fisher

  2. Thanks so much, Donna, for helping get the word out. With only six weeks, time is important. We can use all the help we can get.

    Nice new picture too by the way!

  3. Hi Linda,
    That's great!

    Hi Bookie (Claudia),
    You are so welcome. I also mentioned it today at my critique group and will share with as many writers as I can.

    I like your photo, too!


  4. Thanks Donna. And hey, if there is anything I can do to help in some way, I'm willing.

  5. Hi Lynn,
    Thanks. I'm sure Claudia will appreciate if you pass the word to your writing friends, and if you have something to send to her, be sure and get it to her by Jul 15.

  6. I can't wait to read this antho--I know a TON of writer buddies in the Midwest--hope to see you all in there!

  7. Hi Cathy,
    I will be sure and let you know how to purchase a copy.
    thanks for your support.

  8. This is a great idea. And congrats on your W1S1 May Marionette WIN!

  9. Hi Milo,
    So far I've made the goal every month!

  10. Thanks again, Donna. Could they use donations of used books or anything?

  11. The Missouri Writers' Guild has established contact with the Joplin School District and they have given us this information:

    Our high school serves grades 9-12 and we have 2,200 students

    We need fiction books, nonfiction books as well as any DVD's or videos we can get.
    Also we will want to rebuild our professional collection with teacher resources.

    Middle schools serve grades 6-8

    Elementary schools serve grades K-5

    Our high school, Franklin Tech school and 1 elementary were completely
    destroyed. 1/3 of one middle school was destroyed and 1/2 of 2 other
    elementary schools were destroyed. 2 other schools had roof damage and
    our administration building was badly damaged.

    Contact MWG President Debbie Marshall at mwgpres@gmail.com to find out where to deliver or mail your books so we can get them to the resource librarian in Joplin. First delivery is set for the end of the month. They don't have a place to catalog them until then.

    Thanks to everyone for all your help!


  12. Hi Tammy,
    Great question. See Deb's answer.

    Hey Deb,
    Thanks for the information and details.

    Hi Everyone,
    If you need information on how to donate books, please e-mail Deb Marshall at the e-mail listed in her comments.


  13. Great idea for a fund-raising anthology. I live about 45 minutes away from St. Louis. After the tornado went through there, closing the airport and doing quite a bit of damage, they talked about how miraculous it was that no one was killed. No one had any idea what was coming just across the state. The devastation and loss boggles the mind. I'm looking forward to the anthology and pointing it out to people wherever I can.

    And hey, congrats on meeting your W1S1 goals.

  14. Donna,
    Anything we can do to help our neighbors. Thanks for promoting this great effort.

  15. Hi Shelly,
    Thanks for your kind words and for supporting the Joplin project.

    Hi Linda,
    You said it so well!


  16. What a fantastic idea. I'll put this on my blog later today www.banterwithbeth.blogspot.com and will also share it with my writer friends in Springfield (ORA and Sleuths' Ink). I can also post it on the ORWL loop if no one has done that.

  17. And I'll put it on FB and Twitter as well. I saw that it's for Midwestern writers only. Great idea. Again, thanks.


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