Friday, October 29, 2010

Mysteries of the Ozarks (Vol III) Open for Submissions

Here's a paid submission opportunity for writers living in or with strong ties to the Ozarks -- specifically Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas.

The directors of Ozark Writers, Inc. (Jane Hale, Carolyn Gray Thornton, Ellen Gray Massey, and Debbie Blades) are looking for fiction or non-fiction for their third anthology, Mysteries of the Ozarks Vol. III.

The photo above is of the cover of Volume I, in which a short story of mine appeared.

For Volume III: Each story should contain something that needs to be solved. It can be anything that is unknown, unexplained or kept secret. It need not be a crime or dead body. It could even be something supernatural or from outer space. Generally the mystery is solved, or if not, the reader is satisfied with the results.

More Guidelines:

* Fiction or non-fiction accounts of real mysteries that occurred in the Ozarks.
* Non-fiction stories can be researched actual mysterious events or handed-down folklore.
* Can be any length, but no more than 7,000 words. (I believe my story in Vol I was around 3,000 words.)
* Must be unpublished.
* Typed double-spaced with Courier New font, no smaller than 12 point.
* Can take place in any time period even back to prehistoric peoples or in the future.
* Must be set in the Ozark area and reveal characteristics of the land and/or the people. The area and/or its people should be important in the plot or theme.
* No hillbilly stereotyping of the people in the story.
* Suitable for family reading.
* Authors submitting stories need to be living in the greater Ozark area (mainly southern Missouri and northern Arkansas), or have strong ties to the area.
* Unless accompanied by an SASE, manuscripts will not be returned.
* Deadline for submitting stories is January 15, 2011.
* Submit a hard copy and a disk. Mail to:

Ellen Gray Massey
Ozark Writers, Inc.’s Mystery Anthology
126 Maple Drive, Lebanon, MO 65536

* Everyone who enters will be notified by March 31, 2011 of those who will be included.
* Payment for the stories will be 2 complimentary copies and $100.00 paid when the book is published.
* Authors whose work appears can purchase books at about a 50% reduction.
* Upon acceptance of story, it will become the property of Ozark Writers, Inc. They buy all rights as long as the book is in print. Special arrangements may be made.

* If you have any questions call 417-532-5155 or email Ellen Gray Massey,


  1. Now find me a Fl one and I'll be all set!:)

  2. Hi Linda,
    You should submit something.

    Hi Terri,
    Wish I could find a market in Florida for you.

  3. Does having a friend from Missouri count? :-)

    Okay, I can't submit, but I sure have enjoyed reading MY Volume. And so has the Beneficent Mr. Hall!

  4. Drat...I can't submit to this one, but I can cheer on anyone who does. This looks like a great opportunity for terrific stories.

  5. Oh my, I wish I'd remembered this earlier. I woke up with a story in my head I'd like to submit, but now it's already the day before deadline :( Maybe I'll call to see if a 'postmarked by deadline' submission is going to work.

  6. Hi Madison,
    Usually contests like this go by the postmark deadline, so you still have time.
    Good luck!


Mysteries of the Ozarks, Volume V - Interviews with Lonnie Whitaker and Dr. Barri Bumgarner

Here is the second installment of interviews with contributors who have stories in Mysteries of the Ozarks, Volume V , from Ozark Writers, I...