Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Missouri Writers' Guild Flash Fiction Contest

If you believe "brevity is the soul of wit" and as a writer you "write tight," the Missouri Writers' Guild has a flash fiction contest for you! Here are the highlights:

* Flash Fiction: 500 word limit, no gore or pornography
* Deadline: September 30, 2010
* Entry fee: $10 for non-members, $8 for members of MWG whose dues are paid by the date of entry.
* Prizes: 1st place - $100, 2nd place - $50, 3rd place - $25. Three honorable mentions receive certificates
* Certificates and prizes mailed by the end of October
* Winners announced on MWG website in October

For complete guidelines, visit the MWG website Contest page.

Good luck!


  1. I might have to check this one out. Thanks, Donna!

  2. Thanks for the tip, Donna. I am still wrestling with that High Hill one, but I would like to think of something in the 500 word area too. Flash Fiction always stumps me because it seems everyone has a different definition for it. Some FF pieces I have read make so sense to me at all and others are snappy little mind plays. I'll work on this!

  3. Hi Donna...just stopping in to let you know I am going to CA the end of the month to gather photos. I got an interview with a Marine Captain who met Dad and discussed Tarawa. I met Kyle Fitzharris who wrote THE EIGHTH PLAGUE and he told me to do an outline. I am working on that now...thank you for all your input.

  4. Hi Madeline,
    You're welcome, and good luck!

  5. Hi Claudia,
    I hear you. So many writing projects, not enough time.

  6. Hi Donna,
    Your writing project sounds fascinating. Keep me posted.

  7. Hi Tricia,
    Glad to post. I will also post the complete (revised) guidelines on the Saturday Writers website.

  8. 500 words, huh? That's tight-.

    On the other hand, I seem to be stuck in an Honorable Mention rut this year. Maybe a flash contest is what I need for a breakthrough-'cause so far, I'm just breaking the bank. :-)


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