Friday, March 6, 2009

Nathan Brandsford's Ten Commandments for Happy Writers

Today's forecast for St. Peters: Right now it's 72, but it's expected to reach degrees. "Oh, what a beautiful morning!"

Sorry, no Friday Freebie today, but I believe I've got something better. Yesterday, literary agent Nathan Bransford, a literary agent with the San Francisco office of Curtis Brown, Ltd., posted his "Ten Commandments for the Happy Writers."

I'm amazed and gratified to read so much wisdom from such a young man. Here's the list of Nathan's commandments. To read his wonderful explanation for each of his happy-writer commandments, visit his blog.

1. Enjoy the present
2. Maintain your integrity
3. Recognize the forces that are outside your control
4. Don't neglect your friends and family
5. Don't quit your day job
6. Keep up with publishing industry news
7. Reach out to fellow writers
8. Park your jealousy at the door
9. Be thankful for what you have
10. Keep writing

My personal favorites are: #2, #4 (although I would put family first) and #9.

How about you, which are your favorites?


  1. Hi Donna,

    I'm going to have to go with Number 9, too (be thankful for what you have)...not just for writing, though. I think that's a commandment if you want to be happy, period!

  2. Hi Cathy,
    How true! I count my blessings every day--and not just the ones connected to writing.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. I like his ideas. And nope, I won't be quitting my day job anytime soon!

  4. Hi Pat,
    Good thing I have a retirement paycheck, which means I have time to write.


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