Sunday, October 15, 2017

My Essay on How I Met My Husband is in Sasee's October Magazine

Photo, Oct 17 Sasee Magazine
"Melodies and Memories"
Cover Artist: Mike Daneshi
If you're curious how a nineteen-year-old teenage girl from St. Louis met a twenty-year-old airman/immigrant who was born in the German Bavarian Alps, you can read about it by following the link below.

My essay titled "Living the American Dream" appears in Sasee's October 2017 issue with the theme "Melodies and Memories." The beautifully vivid and evocative cover art is done by Mike Daneshi.

If you're a writer interested in submitting to Sasee, here's a copy of their guidelines.

Hope you enjoy!

Note: Next week I will begin posting interviews I've received from contributors to Mysteries of the Ozarks, V.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for your comment, Mary Nida. It was a night that changed my life.

  2. That IS a beautiful cover, and the way you met your husband made a beautiful story.

    1. Hi Val,
      Sasee covers are always works of art. Thanks for your kind comments about my story.

  3. What a great story, Donna! Can you imagine what would've happened if you and your friends hadn't pressed on through the bad roads that night?!

    I also really liked the smaller details, like how Walt smelled like English Leather and spearmint gum.

    1. Thanks, Madeline. I can't imagine how my life would've turned out had we not continued on that night. I believe it was meant to be.

  4. Loved the story and congrats on another publication, Donna!

    1. Thanks, Pat. Sasee is such a beautiful magazine, both in content and appearance. The covers are always works of art.

  5. Love the 1960s details, Donna. Congratulations on being published in Sasee. I tried to leave a comment on that site, but got a message they detected I’d already done so. Hope the comment shows up.

    1. Thanks, Clara. Writing the essay brought back so many memories, the details just popped out. Sometimes the same thing happens to me when I try to leave a comment. Don't know why.

  6. Hi Donna. Congratulations on having your story published. I enjoyed it very much. Wow! Your husband even lived in my state for awhile. That was a really nice story. Thanks for your visits to my blog, by the way. I truly appreciate them. Susan

    1. Your blog is always so uplifting. I enjoy your posts. My hubby lives in Mass, and we returned there for more than four years after he returned from Vietnam. Love the autumn leaves there!

  7. Your story transported me to another era, when I too, was young. Blessings to you and Walt.

  8. What a lovely and loving essay, Donna. I so enjoyed reading it. Isn't it amazing when we look back over our life and see all the little happenings and connections that led us to where we are now. Thank goodness you and your friend braved those winter roads! Congratulations on another beautiful and well deserved publication.

  9. Loved reading your essay. It takes me back to when I was young.

  10. Hi Theresa,

    Thanks for reading my essay and for leaving a comment.

    Hi Janet,
    Thank you. Writing it brought back a lot of memories.


Mysteries of the Ozarks, Volume V - Interviews with Lonnie Whitaker and Dr. Barri Bumgarner

Here is the second installment of interviews with contributors who have stories in Mysteries of the Ozarks, Volume V , from Ozark Writers, I...