Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy 2016! My New Year's Non-resolution: Believe

Photo from
Missouri's famous writer Mark Twain once called new year's resolutions "harmless annual institutions of no particular use to anybody."

And, if my past performance can predict my future behavior, I can't argue with his words. 

At the beginning of each year, with a heart full of good intentions and a mind focused on success, I map out my resolutions and set what I believe are attainable goals. Then, by mid-year, or even sooner, I lose focus. My good intentions are either forgotten or deliberately ignored.

So, in the spirit of Mark Twain, I'm neither making annual resolutions, which I will not keep, nor will I set goals, which I'll either forget or ignore. I'm going to try something different.

I'm following a suggestion borrowed from Margo Dill's inspiring post on "The Muffin," the Women on Writing blog. In Margo's post, she writes that she is going to focus on one word for 2016. You can find Margo's one word on "The Muffin" blog.

Like Margo, I'm going to focus on one word for the year 2016. My one word applies, not only to my writing, but to every aspect in my life.

My one word is: BELIEVE

I believe God has a plan for me.
I believe I can do whatever His plan is if I take time to be still and listen.
I believe in myself.
I believe in others.
I believe I've been put on earth to help others.
I believe others are here to help me.
I believe in You!

As we turn the calendar page to 2016, I wish you health and happiness, peace and prosperity, and many blessings that you too may believe!


  1. How beautiful, Donna, and a post that hits close to home for me right now. I may have to share your word. I hope you aren't near a river in the Missouri East and Happy New Year to you!

    1. Thanks, Claudia.
      Hope you have a wonderful new year. The river is up a few miles away--in fact I had to make a detour early this morning, but, except for our back yard being sloshy, we are good.

  2. Donna--"Believe" is a word a lot of us should focus on.

    I believe you will have a great time in 2016... and I believe that in 2016, you can finish with at least a draft of your novel.

    Do you believe it too? ;)

    1. Hi Sioux,
      Thanks for the encouragement. Finishing my draft of my novel is something I believe I will do this year. Hope yours gets done this year too.

  3. Donna, I too am well intentioned, but somehow the day gets away. I so agree with your sentiment about the word BELIEVE. Best of luck to you in the new year with your writing.

    1. Thanks, Linda. Wishing you a wonderful new year too.

  4. I believe in you, too! In fact, I daresay I believe in you more than I believe in me. I keep putting things off until May. Maybe you haven't heard...I'm RETIRING!

  5. Hi Val,
    What wonderful news for you! After you retire you'll wonder how you ever had the time to work.

  6. I wish you all the best in 2016!!!

    (And glad to hear the floods aren't affecting you too much, other than your sloshy backyard.)

    1. Thanks, Madeline. Hope you have a wonderful year.

  7. If it weren't for your persistence for me to attend a Saturday Writer's meeting, not sure where I would be today. Beautiful post!

  8. Believe. . .what a beautiful word. I believe in you, Donna, and you've inspired me to come up with a word for myself.

  9. Nice inspiration to remind me to focus on a specific rather than get all twisted in different directions. I do believe in you and your abilities, and am looking forward to what you'll do this year.

  10. Great word choice, Donna!

    Critter Alley


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