Thursday, January 17, 2013

Submission Opportunity from Tuscany Press

The 2013 Tuscany Prize for Catholic Fiction is now accepting manuscripts in the following categories: Novel, Novella, Short Story, and Young Adult Novel.

* What is the Tuscany Prize for Catholic Fiction?

It is a literary prize to promote writers and great undiscovered stories of Catholic fiction.

* What is Catholic fiction?

According to the Tuscany Press website, Catholic fiction is defined as "stories infused with the presence of God and faith — subtly, symbolically or deliberately.Think of Flannery O’Connor, Graham Greene, J.R.R. Tolkien and G.K. Chesterton and many others whose writings reflected the thoughts of the great writer Gerard Manley Hopkins: 'The world is charged with the grandeur of God.' This is the 'stuff' of literature that wins the Tuscany Prize.'"

There is an entry fee, but prize amounts have increased this year.

Deadline is June 30, 2013.

For complete submission guidelines, visit the Tuscany Press site.


  1. So many contests, so little time. :)

    Critter Alley

    1. Hi Pat,
      How true. At least this one has a deadline with some breathing room. ;-)

  2. I don't think I realized there was even such a thing as Catholic fiction, but it makes sense. I don't think I have anything to submit, but I'll take a look. Thanks, Donna!

  3. This is a stiff sounding arena...I read on the web site and the page merits reading again. Flannery O'Connor is hard to read much less understand...for me anyway. I have book of Best American Catholic short stories...I will have to pull it out and see if I can get inspired anyway. Thought their outlook on a reading fee was interesting....

  4. Hi Margo,
    I need to look at the guidelines closer to see if any of my short stories fit.

    Hi Claudia,
    I didn't know about the BAC short story book. I will have to see if my library has it to read a few of the stories.

    About the reading fee; interesting is one way to put it.:-)


  5. Thanks for the information, Donna. Unfortunately, I don't think I have any kind of idea for a short story to submit to them.

    How about you? Are YOU submitting something to Tuscany? ;)

    1. Hi Sioux,
      I'm not sure that anything I've written fits the guidelines. But, with a few months until the deadline, I might try to write something new.

  6. Alas, I'm not Catholic. But our pal Cathy C. Hall could probably handle this quite nicely.

  7. SO glad I dropped in this morning! First, I find a swell contest (and thanks for those kind words, y'all--I'm not sure my work fits the definition of "Catholic" either, but we'll see) and then, I just enjoyed a snowy stroll. :-)


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